Sunday, June 3, 2007

Jenny Keeps Boundaries

Balaam’s Ass had and has a job. She also kept in her place until she was called.

Her first job, before that historic day, was to safely convey Balaam, her owner and rider, the hired gun soothsayer and unwilling prophet, to his God ordained destination, in God’s time, under God’s discretion.

This beast of burden was loyally doing her previously God ordained job, largely directed by Balaam, his desire having always been her guide -- until God’s angel stepped into the road, sword drawn. That day her job description changed.

On the one hand, beaten for failing to continue as Balaam directed and on the other facing immanent danger then and only then did this lowly beast find her tongue.

God gave this little ass a new job. One she had never done before. One for which she was not otherwise equipped. She spoke out to save her master. This points up the life saving job that God in that instant ordained for this lowly ass.

So, four new things (boundaries/fences) seem true.

1. God can speak his will through any person, creature, device, or item he so wishes; even unexpected ones.
2. The timing for these unusual speakers to speak was strictly driven by God and was under his purview.
3. The intended audience addressed by these speakers was also ordained by God.
4. The ass, once it had done what God ordained, was, at least in this case, never to speak again. Therefore, any speaking done by such a creature, needs to be led by God.

Accordingly, I will attempt to be prayer lead, Spirit driven in what I write here.


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